An international movement within the Anglican Communion

Who are the Communion Partners?

With evangelical fervor, Communion Partners pursues and supports the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ in word and deed. In a spirit of mutual love, we commit ourselves to honoring the authority and boundaries of our local churches, working in concert with them to pursue that unity for which our Savior prayed: “That they all may be one … so that the world might believe” (John 17:12).

CP Retreat 2025

The Leadership of Communion Partners and Anglican Communion Partners (Canada) warmly invite clergy to join us for our annual gathering, January 13-16, 2025 at beautiful Camp Allen.

Statement Library

Communion Partner Response to Church of England Decision (March 29, 2023)

The Communion Partners note with deep concern recent developments in the Church of England around the blessing of same sex unions, with implications for the unity of the Anglican Communion, and the role of the Archbishop of Canterbury among the Instruments of Communion.


Communion Partner Bishops Baltimore Statement (July 25, 2022)

“Therefore, since it is by God’s mercy that we are engaged in this ministry, we do not lose heart” (2 Cor. 4:1). We write as Communion Partner Bishops present at the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church held in Baltimore from July 7 to 11, 2022. St. Paul’s words to the Church in Corinth are an inspiration to us, as we reflect on our experience and speak a word of encouragement to the members of our own Church.


Departure of Bishop Love (April 19, 2021)

As Communion Partner colleagues and friends of Bishop Bill Love, we were disturbed by the result of the disciplinary process that concluded last year and are now further troubled by his tragic departure from The Episcopal Church. Our prayers continue for Bishop Love, and for our brothers and sisters in the Episcopal Diocese of Albany, especially for its leadership, in a difficult time.


Criminalizing LGBTQ+ in Ghana (Nov. 10, 2021)

As Bishops of the Communion Partners group within the Episcopal Church, we are gravely concerned by proposed legislation criminalizing LGBTQ+ people in Ghana. We understand that this legislation is supported by the House of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Ghana.


Communion Partners Communiqué (Epiphanytide 2021)

We, Communion Partner leaders from the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada, gathered virtually by video conference from January 11-15, to take counsel together. The form of our meeting underscores the significance of the global health crisis our world is suffering. We are mindful of the social and political unrest that has marked this past year, in so many places, and held these concerns in our prayers. Upwards of forty persons, bishops, clergy, and laity, from twenty-five dioceses of the global Anglican Communion participated in our gathering. We give thanks to God for the opportunity to be together in these challenging times.