Resolutions and Submissions
Resolutions for Legislative Meetings and Submissions to Committees or Task Forces
Submission on Change to ACoC Marriage Canon (2014)
2012 Communion Partner Resolution on Anglican Covenant
CP resolution affirms Covenant(1) Three member bishops of Communion Partners have submitted a General Convention resolution that affirms the proposed Anglican Communion Covenant. The Rt. Rev. John C. Bauerschmidt, Bishop of Tennessee, proposed the resolution, joined by the Rt. Rev. Daniel H. Martins, Bishop of Springfield, and Michael G. Smith, Bishop of North Dakota. The resolution recognizes that the Covenant “can only be entered into according to the procedures” of the Episcopal Church’s Constitution and Canons. Four or the resolution’s seven resolves, repeatedly citing the Covenant’s text, explain what affirming the Covenant would mean for the Episcopal Church from 2012 until the 79th General Convention in 2015: Resolved, that The Episcopal Church…